Low-Fat Diet Not Effectively Lose Weight

Low-Fat Diet Not Effectively Lose Weight
You now do not have hostile yolk, bother stocking healthy snacks low in fat, or avoid avocado juice continuously. Why? Because according to a recent study, low-fat diet is considered less effective for the purpose of weight loss in the long term.
The new analysis published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, was conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston.
They perform 53 experiments and compare the results of weight loss of 68,128 participants who have followed a diet low in fat and high in fat. As a result, low-fat diet is considered less effective, than the high-fat meal in an effort to lose weight and maintain an ideal weight for a year or more.
"" We've been following the advice on low-fat diet for years, but in fact most dieters are even fatter, "" said study lead author Deirdre Tobias, a researcher at BWH medical division.
"" It's clear that the low-fat approach is not effective. ""
Unfortunately, most people who try low-fat diet would prefer to eliminate or avoid all fatty foods and choose foods low in fat is processed, such as fruit-flavored low-fat yogurt, fat-free crackers instead of eating fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
In fact, many low-fat processed foods that use more sugar than regular processed foods. In other words, is not merely a low-fat crackers biscuits are healthier than others. So instead of going down, the weight actually rose.
According to Tobias, rather than avoiding fat, the solution to lose weight faster is to continue to consume fat.
For example, high-fat foods such as avocados, eggs, olive oil, and even cheese can be part of a healthy diet rather than eating low-fat ice cream which did not give any contribution to the diet.
"" When you eliminate one or the macronutrient content of the food such as fat from your diet, it can make you eat excessively other content, such as carbohydrates, "" said Holly Herrington, a registered dietitian at Northwestern Medicine Lifestyle Medicine Chicago.
"" Fat itself is a major source of energy, ' "said Herrington. Without it, your body's metabolic functions will falter. You will feel tired and as such do not have the energy to exercise.
Moreover, many nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, which means that the body can not absorb them unless you also eat fat.
However, that does not mean you have to eat all the fat you want. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories, 5 grams of carbohydrates, and protein.
Tobias said, either healthy or saturated fats, when eaten in reasonable portion, will be useful for the body. To be sure, avoid trans fats are often hiding in processed foods, because that is harmful to health.

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